1) I could simply lay the mattress on the floor of the minivan, and remove the inner row. The back row folds flat into the van, leaving a perfectly level surface to throw a mat on. The pros? This was super easy, and the seats would be a snap every night. The cons? This would essentially mean most of our things would have to be stored in the middle area of the van. They would need netted-down or something to be safe in case of a sudden break check. Plus, the kids would be sitting WAY BACK away from me, and possibly miss much of the scenery.
2) I could leave in the middle row, and lay the back seats flat into the floor. Then, I would have to build a sleeping platform so our bed could extend across the platform, and the middle row folded flat. The platform has to be 18" high to match the height of the folded middle row. Pros: the under area of the sleeping platform meant glorious storage space, and the kids would be close to me to see the action. Cons? I have to build the damn thing. But that's less of a con, then a very fun challenge.

So, the first sketches of The Daisy Dodger came to light. I started measuring, calculating, shopping for weird shaped PVC pipes, mattresses, and curtain options. Stay tuned!

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